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Common wpf Controls

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) enables you to create visually enhanced user interfaces for your applications. Even the typical controls you're used to seeing in a standard Windows Forms application are enhanced in WPF applications. The standard WPF controls resemble those you'll find in the Toolbox for Windows Forms. WPF controls are part of the System.Windows.Controls namespace instead of the System.Windows.Forms namespace. WPF controls can also be created by using XAML markup.

When you drag WPF controls from the Toolbox to the design surface, the controls resemble controls in a Windows Form application. However, WPF controls can be customized. Controls in WPF support styles and templates that enable you to create visually compelling applications. To modify the appearance of a control, you add styles and attributes to the control in the XAML editor. Because writing XAML markup manually is difficult, you might want to consider using an application than can generate XAML for you, such as Expression Blend.