TurboProlog / Документация / TOM_2

Рекомендуемая литература:

Ниже перечислены несколько книг, которые, как мы считаем,

могут служить полезным дополнением к данному справочному


Using Turbo Prolog by Phill Robinson and Advanced Turbo

Prolog by Herbert Schildt (Osborne/McGraw-Hill).

Turbo Prolog Printer by Dan Shafer and Mastering Expert

Systems with Turbo Prolog by Carl Townsend (Howard W.Sams & Co.)

Turbo Prolog Features for Programmers by Sanjiva Nath (MIS


Using Turbo Prolog by Khin Maung Yin and David Solomon (Que


Introduction to Turbo Prolog and The Turbo Prolog Library by

Carl Townsend (Sybex)

Expert Systems with Turbo and The Power of Turbo Prolog: The

Natural Language of AI by Ralph Roberts and Turbo Prolog:

Advanced Programming Technigues (TAB Books)

Artificial Intelligence Programming with Turbo Prolog by

Keith Weiskamp and Terry Hengl (John Wiley & Sons)

Illustrated Turbo Prolog by Mick Mca Uister (WordWare


Turbo Prolog: An Introduction by Paul Chirlian (Merrill


The Arf of Prolog by Sterling and Shapiro (MIT Press)