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12.2.1 Overview

The BPMN DI is an instance of the DI meta-model provided at Annex B. The basic concept of BPMN DI, as with DI in general, is that serializing a diagram [BPMNDiagram] for interchange requires the specification of a collection of shapes [BPMNShape] and edges [BPMNEdge] on a plane [BPMNPlane].

BPMNPlane, BPMNShape, and BPMNEdge MUST reference exactly one abstract syntax BPMN element from the BPMN model using the bpmnElement attribute. The only exception is for a Data Association connected to a Sequence Flow (See Figure 10.68). This is a visual short cut that actually normalizes two Data Associations within the BPMN model. In this case, the resolution is made from the BPMN DI attributes rather than the abstract syntax reference [bpmnElement] (See Table 12.35).

The BPMN DI classes only define the visual properties used for depiction. All other properties that are REQUIRED for the unambiguous depiction of the BPMN element are derived from the referenced bpmnElement.

Multiple depictions of a specific BPMN element in a single diagram is NOT allowed, except for Participants in a choreography (i.e., Participant Bands). For example, it is not allowed to depict a Task twice in the same diagram, but it is allowed to depict the same Task in two different diagrams.

BPMN diagrams may be an incomplete or partial depiction of the content of the BPMN model. Some BPMN elements from a BPMN model may not be present in any of the diagram instances being interchanged.

BPMN DI does not provide for any containment concept. The BPMNPlane is an ordered collection of mixed BPMNShape(s) and BPMNEdge(s). The order of the BPMNShape(s) and BPMNEdge(s) inside a BPMNPlane determines their Z-order (i.e., what is in front of what). BPMNShape(s) and BPMNEdge(s) that are meant to be depicted “on top” of other BPMNShape(s) and BPMNEdge(s) MUST appear after them in the BPMNPlane. Therefore, the exporting tool MUST order all BPMNShape(s) and BPMNEdge(s) such that the desired depiction can be rendered.