требования / Zadanie_na_kursovuyu_i_laboratornye_raboty / Методология программной инженерии (курсовая и лабораторные работы) / BPMN2

9.7Choreography within Collaboration

Choreographies can be included in a Collaboration diagram. A Collaboration specifies how the Participants and

Message Flows in the Choreography are matched up with the Participants and Message Flows in the

Collaboration. A Collaboration uses ParticipantAssociations and MessageFlowAssociations for this purpose.

To handle the Participants, the innerParticipant of a ParticipantAssociation refers to a Participant in the

Choreography, while the outerParticipant refers to a Participant in the Collaboration containing the

Choreography. This mapping matches the Participant Bands of the Choreography Activities in the Choreography to the Pools in the Collaboration. Thus, the names in the Participant Bands are NOT REQUIRED (see Figure 9.32).