требования / Zadanie_na_kursovuyu_i_laboratornye_raboty / Методология программной инженерии (курсовая и лабораторные работы) / BPMN2

Data Inputs and Outputs

Activities and Processes often need data in order to execute. In addition they can produce data during or as a result of execution. Data requirements are captured as Data Inputs and InputSets. Data that is produced is captured using Data Outputs and OutputSets. These elements are aggregated in a InputOutputSpecification class.

Certain Activities and CallableElements contain a InputOutputSpecification element to describe their data requirements. Execution semantics are defined for the InputOutputSpecification and they apply the same way to all elements that extend it. Not every Activity type defines inputs and outputs, only Tasks, CallableElements (Global Tasks and Processes) MAY define their data requirements. Embedded SubProcesses MUST NOT define Data Inputs and Data Outputs directly, however they MAY define them indirectly via
