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требования / Zadanie_na_kursovuyu_i_laboratornye_raboty / Методология программной инженерии (курсовая и лабораторные работы) / BPMN2


Clause 1 discusses the scope of the document and provides a summary of the elements introduced in subsequent clauses of the document.

Clause 7 introduces the BPMN Core that includes basic BPMN elements needed for constructing various Business Processes, including collaborations, orchestration Processes and Choreographies.

Elements needed for modeling of Collaborations, orchestration Processes, Conversations, and Choreographies are introduced in Clauses 8, 9, 10 and 11, respectively.

Clause 13 introduces the BPMN visual diagram model. Clause 14 defines the execution semantics for Process orchestrations in BPMN 2.0. Clause 14 discusses a mapping of a BPMN model to WS-BPEL that is derived by analyzing the BPMN objects and the relationships between these objects. Exchange formats and an XSLT transformation between them are provided in Clause 15.