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требования / Zadanie_na_kursovuyu_i_laboratornye_raboty / Методология программной инженерии (курсовая и лабораторные работы) / BPMN2

Operational semantics

At any point in time, a subset of the embedded Activities is enabled. Initially, all Activities without incoming Sequence Flows are enabled. One of the enabled Activities is selected for execution. This is not done by the implementation but usually by a Human Performer. If the ordering attribute is set to sequential, another enabled Activity can be selected for execution only if the previous one has terminated. If the ordering attribute is set to parallel, another enabled Activity can be selected for execution at any time. This implies the possibility of the multiple parallel instances of the same inner Activity.

After each completion of an inner Activity, a condition specified through the completionCondition attribute is evaluated:

If false, the set of enabled inner Activities is updated and new Activities can be selected for execution.

If true, the Ad-Hoc Sub-Process completes without executing further inner Activities. In case the ordering attribute is set to parallel and the attribute cancelRemainingInstances is true, running instances of inner

Activities are canceled. If cancelRemainingInstances is set to false, the Ad-Hoc Sub-Process completes after all remaining inner instances have completed or terminated.