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  1. Grossberg S. 1973. Contour enhancement, short-term memory, and consistencies in reverberating neural networks. Studies in Applied Mathematics 52:217,257.

  2. Hebb D. 0. 1961. Organization of behavior. New York: Science Edition.

  3. Kohonen T. 1984. Self-organization and associative memory. Series in Information Sciences, vol. 8. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

  4. Rosenblatt F. 1962. Principles of neurodynamics. New York: Spartan Books. (Русский перевод: Розенблатт Ф. Принципы нейродинамики. – М.: Мир., 1965.)

  5. Widrow В. 1959. Adaptive sampled-data systems, a statistical theory of adaptation. 1959 IRE WESCON Convention Record, part 4, pp. 88-91. New York: Institute of Radio Engineers.

  6. Widrow В., Hoff М. 1960. Adaptive switching circuits. I960 IRE WESCON Convention Record, pp. 96-104. New York: Institute of Radio Engineers.