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Общие сведения о событиях

События имеют следующие свойства.

How to: Subscribe to and Unsubscribe from Events

You subscribe to an event that is published by another class when you want to write custom code that is called when that event is raised. For example, you might subscribe to a button's click event in order to make your application do something useful when the user clicks the button.

To subscribe to events by using the Visual Studio IDE

  1. If you cannot see the Properties window, in Design view, right-click the form or control for which you want to create an event handler, and select Properties.

  2. On top of the Properties window, click the Events icon.

  3. Double-click the event that you want to create, for example the Load event.

Visual C# creates an empty event handler method and adds it to your code. Alternatively you can add the code manually in Code view. For example, the following lines of code declare an event handler method that will be called when the Form class raises the Load event.

private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


// Add your form load event handling code here.


The line of code that is required to subscribe to the event is also automatically generated in the InitializeComponent method in the Form1.Designer.cs file in your project. It resembles this:

this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);