
Пример результатов выполнения

Enter number of employees: 210

Enter the name of the new employee: Hazem Abolrous

The employee information:

Employee number: 211

Employee name: Hazem Abolrous

Asymmetric Accessor Accessibility

The get and set portions of a property or indexer are called accessors. By default these accessors have the same visibility, or access level: that of the property or indexer to which they belong. For more information, see accessibility levels. However, it is sometimes useful to restrict access to one of these accessors. Typically, this involves restricting the accessibility of the set accessor, while keeping the get accessor publicly accessible. For example:

public string Name




return name;


protected set


name = value;



In this example, a property called Name defines a get and set accessor. The get accessor receives the accessibility level of the property itself, public in this case, while the set accessor is explicitly restricted by applying the protected access modifier to the accessor itself.

Restrictions on Access Modifiers on Accessors

Using the accessor modifiers on properties or indexers is subject to these conditions: