
Средства Visual c#

Далее перечислены наиболее важные средства и окна в Visual C#. Окна большинства из этих средств можно открыть через меню Вид.

How the IDE Exposes the Tools

You interact with the tools through windows, menus, property pages, and wizards in the IDE. The following represents the basic IDE:

You can quickly access any open tool windows or files by pressing CTRL + TAB.

Editor and Windows Form Designer Windows

The large main window is used by the Code Editor, the Windows Forms Designer, or the Windows Presentation Foundation Designer. You can switch to Code view or Design view by clicking Code or Designer on the View menu or by using the keyboard shortcuts F7 or SHIFT + F7. While in Design view, you can drag controls onto the window from the Toolbox, which you can make visible by clicking the Toolbox tab on the left margin.

The Properties window in the lower-right is populated only in Design view. It enables you to set properties and hook up events for user interface controls such as buttons, text boxes, and so on. When you set this window to Auto Hide, it will collapse into the right margin whenever you switch to Code View.