
Добавление ресурсов в проекты

Для добавления ресурсов в проект необходимо щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши узел Свойства в проекте в Обозревателе решений, щелкнуть Открыть, а затем на странице Ресурсы в Конструкторе проектов нажать кнопку Добавить ресурс.

Ресурсы можно добавить в проект в качестве связанных ресурсов (внешние файлы) или как внедренные ресурсы (внедренные непосредственно в файл RESX).

Editing Resources

The Resource Designer enables you to add and modify project resources during development by associating a default application for editing each resource. You access the Resource Designer by right-clicking Properties in Solution Explorer, clicking Open, and then clicking the Resources tab in Project Designer. For more information, see Resources Page, Project Designer. The following illustration shows the Resource Designer menu options:

To edit embedded resources, you must work directly in the .resx file to manipulate the individual characters or bytes. That is why it is more convenient to store complex file types as linked resources during development. You can use the Binary Editor to edit resource files, including the .resx file, at the binary level in either hexadecimal or ASCII format. You can use the Image Editor to edit icons and cursors as well as .jpeg and GIF files that are stored as linked resources. You can also choose other applications as editors for these file types.