
Реализация интерфейсов

При использовании метода доступа для реализации интерфейса, метод доступа не может иметь модификатор доступа. Однако если интерфейс реализуется при помощи одного метода доступа, такого как get, другой метод доступа может иметь модификатор доступа, как в следующем примере:

public interface ISomeInterface


int TestProperty


// No access modifier allowed here

// because this is an interface.




public class TestClass : ISomeInterface


public int TestProperty


// Cannot use access modifier here because

// this is an interface implementation.

get { return 10; }

// Interface property does not have set accessor,

// so access modifier is allowed.

protected set { }



Accessor Accessibility Domain

If you use an access modifier on the accessor, the accessibility domain of the accessor is determined by this modifier.

If you did not use an access modifier on the accessor, the accessibility domain of the accessor is determined by the accessibility level of the property or indexer.


The following example contains three classes, BaseClass, DerivedClass, and MainClass. There are two properties on the BaseClass, Name and Id on both classes. The example demonstrates how the property Id on DerivedClass can be hidden by the property Id on BaseClass when you use a restrictive access modifier such as protected or private. Therefore, when you assign values to this property, the property on the BaseClass class is called instead. Replacing the access modifier by public will make the property accessible.

The example also demonstrates that a restrictive access modifier, such as private or protected, on the set accessor of the Name property in DerivedClass prevents access to the accessor and generates an error when you assign to it.

public class BaseClass


private string name = "Name-BaseClass";

private string id = "ID-BaseClass";

public string Name


get { return name; }

set { }


public string Id


get { return id; }

set { }

