
Элементы: файлы, ссылки, подключения к данным

Элементы могут представлять собой файлы и другие составляющие проекта, например ссылки, подключения к данным или папки. В Обозревателе решений элементы можно сгруппировать следующими способами:

Solutions as Containers

Visual Studio implements conceptual containers called solutions and projects to enable the integrated development environment (IDE) to apply its wide range of tools, designers, templates, and settings. Also, Visual Studio provides Solution Folders to organize related projects into groups and then perform actions on those groups of projects.

A project includes a set of source files, plus related metadata such as component references and build instructions. Projects generally produce one or more output files when built. A solution includes one or more projects, plus files and metadata that help define the solution as a whole:

Visual Studio automatically generates a solution when you create a new project. As needed, you can then add other projects to the solution. Solution Explorer provides a graphical view of the entire solution that helps you manage its projects and files as you develop your application.

You can also create blank solutions without projects, enabling you to use the Visual Studio editors and designers to modify stand-alone files. Solution Explorer provides folders specifically for non-project items