
Краткие сведения

При наведении указателя на тип .NET Framework, IntelliSense выводит всплывающую подсказку с краткими сведениями из базовой документации по этому типу.

List Members

When you enter a .NET Framework type into the Code Editor, and then type the dot operator (.), IntelliSense displays a list box that contains the members of that type. When you make a selection and press TAB, IntelliSense enters the member name.

Parameter Info

When you enter a method name in the Code Editor, and then type an opening parentheses, IntelliSense will display a Parameter Info ToolTip that shows the order and types of the method's parameters. If the method is overloaded, you can scroll down through all the overloaded signatures.

Add usings

Sometimes you may try to create an instance of a .NET Framework class without a sufficiently qualified name. When this occurs, IntelliSense displays a smart tag after the unresolved identifier. When you click the smart tag, IntelliSense displays a list of using directives that will enable the identifier to be resolved. When you select one from the list, IntelliSense adds the directive to the top of the source code file and you can continue coding at your current location.