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Using Indexers

Indexers are a syntactic convenience that enable you to create a class, struct, or interface that client applications can access just as an array. Indexers are most frequently implemented in types whose primary purpose is to encapsulate an internal collection or array. For example, suppose you have a class named TempRecord that represents the temperature in Farenheit as recorded at 10 different times during a 24 hour period. The class contains an array named "temps" of type float to represent the temperatures, and a DateTime that represents the date the temperatures were recorded. By implementing an indexer in this class, clients can access the temperatures in a TempRecord instance as float temp = tr[4] instead of as float temp = tr.temps[4]. The indexer notation not only simplifies the syntax for client applications; it also makes the class and its purpose more intuitive for other developers to understand.

To declare an indexer on a class or struct, use the this keyword, as in this example:

public int this[int index] // Indexer declaration


// get and set accessors



The type of an indexer and the type of its parameters must be at least as accessible as the indexer itself.

The signature of an indexer consists of the number and types of its formal parameters. It does not include the indexer type or the names of the formal parameters. If you declare more than one indexer in the same class, they must have different signatures.

An indexer value is not classified as a variable; therefore, you cannot pass an indexer value as a ref or out parameter.

To provide the indexer with a name that other languages can use, use a name attribute in the declaration. For example:


public int this [int index] // Indexer declaration



This indexer will have the name TheItem. Not providing the name attribute would make Item the default name.