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How to: Write Characters to a String

The following code example writes a certain number of characters from a character array into an existing string, starting at a specified place in the array. Use StringWriter to do this, as demonstrated below.


using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

public class CharsToStr


public static void Main(String[] args)


// Create an instance of StringBuilder that can then be modified.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Some number of characters");

// Define and create an instance of a character array from which

// characters will be read into the StringBuilder.

char[] b = {' ','t','o',' ','w','r','i','t','e',' ','t','o','.'};

// Create an instance of StringWriter

// and attach it to the StringBuilder.

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);

// Write three characters from the array into the StringBuilder.

sw.Write(b, 0, 3);

// Display the output.


// Close the StringWriter.




Robust Programming

This example illustrates the use of a StringBuilder to modify an existing string. Note that this requires an additional using declaration, since the StringBuilder class is a member of the System.Text namespace. Also, instead of defining a string and converting it to a character array, this is an example of creating a character array directly and initializing it.

This code produces the following output.

Some number of characters to