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Панели переходов

Вверху каждого окна редактора кода расположена панель переходов с двумя списками. В списке слева содержатся классы, определенные в текущем файле, а в списке справа — все члены класса, выбранного в левом списке. При помощи правого списка можно найти метод.

Find in Files

By pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F you can open the Find in Files dialog box to perform search and replace operations across a project.


To rename methods or types, or change method parameters, use the refactoring feature, which is more complete and intelligent than search and replace.

Object Browser

You can use the Object Browser to navigate source code. First, view the symbols in your solution by narrowing the scope of the Object Browser to My Solution. Then, navigate to the code by right-clicking a symbol and clicking Find All References or Go To Definition.

Navigation Stacks

Visual Studio tracks and remembers cursor movement in the navigation stack. Use CTRL+- to navigate backwards to the previous cursor location and CTRL+SHIFT+- to navigate forwards to the last cursor location in the navigation stack. You can also navigate the stack by clicking Navigate Backwards and Navigate Forwards in the View menu.

Visual Studio also uses a separate navigation stack to track cursor movement for Go To Definition calls. Use CTRL+SHIFT+8 to move back to the cursor location where Go To Definition was called. Use CTRL+SHIFT+7 to move forward in the navigation stack.