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Предыдущий пример предназначен для работы с Windows Forms, для него необходим объект PaintEventArgs e, передаваемый в качестве параметра обработчику события Paint.

How to: Flatten a Curved Path into a Line

A GraphicsPath object stores a sequence of lines and Bézier splines. You can add several types of curves (ellipses, arcs, cardinal splines) to a path, but each curve is converted to a Bézier spline before it is stored in the path. Flattening a path consists of converting each Bézier spline in the path to a sequence of straight lines. The following illustration shows a path before and after flattening.

To Flatten a Path

Using Transformations in Managed GDI+

Affine transformations include rotating, scaling, reflecting, shearing, and translating. In GDI+, the Matrix class provides the foundation for performing affine transformations on vector drawings, images, and text.

Using the World Transformation

The world transformation is a property of the Graphics class. The numbers that specify the world transformation are stored in a Matrix object, which represents a 3×3 matrix. The Matrix and Graphics classes have several methods for setting the numbers in the world transformation matrix.