AOM / Мельник А

8.7. Література до розділу 8

  1. Лазарев В. Г., Пийль Е. И. Синтез управляющих автоматов. - М.: Энергия, 1978. - 408 с.

  2. Баранов С. И. Синтез микропрограммных автоматов. - Л.: Энергия, 1974. - 215 с.

  3. Глушков В. М. Синтез цифрових автоматов. - М.: Физматгиз, 1962. - 476 с.

  4. Huffman D. A. The synthesis of sequential switching circuits. 1954, vol. 257, № 3, p. 161-190; № 4. p. 275-303.

  5. Kochen M. Extension of moore-shannon model for relay circuits. - "IBM Journ. Res. and Devel." 1959, vol. 3, № 2, p. 169-186.

  6. Mealy G. H. A method for synthesizing sequential circuits. - "BSTJ", 1955, vol. 34, № 5, p. 1045-1079.

  7. Wilkes M. V., Stringer}. B. Microprogramming and the design of the control circuits in an electro­nic digital computer. - "Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc". 1953, vol. 49, № 4, p. 230.

  8. Wilkes M. V. Microprogramming. - "Proc. East. Joint Corn-put. Conf." 1959, vol. NT-114, № 7. p. 18-20.

  9. Wilkes M. V., Renwick W, Wheeler D. J. The design of the control unit of an electronic digital computer. - "Proc. of the Inst of El. Eng.", pt. B, 1958, vol. 105, № 20, 121 p.

  1. Hayes J.P. Computer Architecture and Organization. McGRAW-Hill, 1988.

  2. Agerwala, T.: "Microprogram Optimization: A Survey", IEEE Trans. Comput, vol. C-25, pp. 962-973, October 1976.

  3. Das, S. R., D. K. Banerji, and A. Chattopadhyay: "On Control Memory Minimization in Microp­rogrammed Computers", IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-23, pp. 845-848, September 1973.

  4. Davidson, S., et al: "Some Experiments in Local Microcode Compaction for Horizontal Machi­nes", IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-30, pp. 4«M77, July 1981.


14. Agrawala, A. K., and T. G. Rauscher: Foundations of Microprogramming: Architecture, Software, and Applications, Academic, New York, 1976.

  1. Andrews, M.: Principles of Firmware Engineering in Microprogram Control, Computer Science Press, Potomac, Md., 1980.

  2. Husson, S. S.: Microprogramming: Principles and Practices, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970.

  3. Kohavi, Z., Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978.